I am not going to lie… Since starting this whole journey of figuring out who I am as an adult. I have kind of been slacking on the home front. My house is not filthy, but it is definitely a messy house. I have noticed since my slacking my environment has been affecting my ability to get work done. My mind keeps wandering thinking about all the things I need or want to do to clean up my messy house.
I am a firm believer that your environment affects your mood. It affects your productivity and overall your mental health. So I am using this blog post to help me get my house back in order. There is just something so relaxing to know that the house is clean and I don’t have to think about it. Does anyone else need to reset and refresh their living space? If you do too… I have 10 tips that have helped me clean my messy house and get my mind to calm down.
Cut yourself some slack
If your house has gotten a little out of hand… No need to beat yourself. We have all been there. We beat ourselves up for letting things get out of hand. My question to you is does beating yourself up and putting yourself make you WANT to clean the house… No?
It doesn’t make me want to clean the house. Right? For me… It does the exact opposite. It starts with me beating myself up over a messy house. Which then turns into negative self-talk about how worthless I am and deserve to live in this filth.
Take a deep breath in and cut yourself some slack. Shit happens, but you are working to correct it. Maybe what you need to do is…

Break it up
If you have been here reading the ORL posts you know I am always talking about lists. I love lists. So write down everything you need to do in each room. DO 👏 NOT 👏 GET 👏 OVERWHELMED! 👏
Yes, you will be doing everything on this list, but not all at once. You are only human. Do what you can. There are 2 ways you can go about cleaning room by room or chore by chore. My recommendation is room by room. So you can at least know the one room is clean. You need to…
After you write that list choose a room to clean or pick a few items that would MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER RIGHT NOW! What can you do in your messy house right now that could make a difference for you and your mind… That is the most important thing you can do for yourself.
If you keep thinking about the dishes piling up, but the clean laundry sitting in the basket for 2 weeks is not so important. Do the dishes. Start with cleaning the kitchen if that would make you feel better. But whatever you do…
Blast music
Music that makes me move my body just helps me get stuff done. I have a cleaning playlist on my YouTube channel if you want to take a listen. If music is not your thing… I don’t think we can be friends. Just kidding, but turn on your favorite podcast, audiobook.
Sometimes what I do and I mentioned it in another cleaning post I wrote a few years ago. 10 ways to motivate you to clean. Was I would turn on a “clean with me” video on YouTube. Just listening to someone else clean while you are cleaning makes me feel not alone.
Don’t procrastinate
Okay… I know you are procrastinating because you are reading this blog. So here is my warning to you. Finish reading this blog then go do what you need to do. Quit putting it off and just go start something small. Pick up all the dishes from around your house. Wash just the cups…
Once you start you will more likely do more than what you originally thought you were going to do.
Set a timer for 15 minutes
I didn’t start doing this until recently but seeing how much I could get done in 15 minutes has been such a game-changer. I make it a friendly competition with myself. If I can get all the dishes done in 15 minutes… I can scroll on social media for 10 minutes. I can watch a video on YouTube. If you can’t do the 15 minutes it is okay to…
Pay attention to busy areas
When you take a look around your house look for the areas that are messy the quickest. In my house, I notice that my kitchen counter, my couch, the entry table, and the bathroom, in general, get dirty or cluttered very quickly. Those would be the areas I focus on the most to make sure they get cleaned every day.
While the areas used less in my house can be just maintained daily.
Take breaks if you need to
Some tasks may be more overwhelming than others. I understand that. So take as many breaks as you need to but make sure you go back to cleaning. Getting a bunch of little tasks done over a day or two is better than nothing. Keep doing that and your house can be clean in a week or so. It is okay. Whatever works for you.
Clean as you go
If I am sitting at my desk with my coffee cup and I finish it. I will bring that cup with me when I go to the bathroom. I will stop at the sink to wash it right then and there. Before you leave a room see if there is anything in that room that needs to go somewhere else.
Sometimes I will do this before I clean any room. It clears clutter from one room and puts it in the room it is supposed to go in. So when I started cleaning room by room everything is in its room, now I just need to put it in its place.
It is okay to not finish
If it takes you days to clean your house, but it is not where you want it to be. That is okay. You did what you could and I am sure it looks better than it did before. I am proud of you. Now just keep maintaining what you did clean and slowly continue working on the areas you didn’t get to.
This is not a race this is a marathon. Slow and steady win the race. As long as you keep picking yourself up and working on what you need to work on.
When the day winds down and I did what I could. It makes me feel a lot better and my mind is a lot lighter. Is the cleaning list never-ending of course, but is it better than what it was? Yes! Now I can move on to other things…
30-day Challenges
I said at the beginning of this post I needed a reset and refresh. So for the next 30 days, I will be working on a decluttering challenge starting August 1st as well. I need to get out of this slump and get my life back in order.
If you are interested please sign up for the email list. Sign up between now and July 31st you will be sent the PDF of the challenge. Click here to join! If not come back next week where I go into more detail about both challenges. I hope to see you guys doing the challenges with me!
Until Next Time, Have a Great Day! Remember you are a badass!

I love to play music whilst cleaning. It distracts and helps me clean faster.
Right, I get so distracted and just perform my own concert while I am cleaning.
I totally agree a nice clean house for sure puts us in a better mood. I just started to do a deep clean and will take me a few days !!
I have been doing small tasks every day to prepare for my 30-day decluttering/cleaning challenge.
great tips! I love having a clean house and I don’t want to spend too much time
Me neither, but when you are in a funk and put things off… You gotta take your time.
Great tips! Thank you for sharing. I always clean the house without using too much time.
I wish it was that easy for me. LOL
One thing I like is that when we keep the house clean on daily basis.. And as we go. That’s awesome!
Fransic – http://www.querianson.com
I try to do it daily… or at least do the things that make me feel like I have my life together. LOL
Weird that I am a little bit of clean freak and this post caught my eye. Thanks a lot for the useful tips and I enjoy them a lot! – Knycx Journeying
I wish I was a clean freak. It has been something I had to work on growing up. It doesn’t come naturally, but definitely worth it in the end.
This post comes just on time: I have a broken leg and therefore someone managing my household. But soon, this luxury will end and then it’s my turn again 😉
Oh no, I hope you are doing okay! Soak up all the help! lol
I can totally relate to this post and the difficult thing about my situation is i live with my parents. If i had my own house, i feel
Like i would be more motivated to clean, but yeah it’s hard when it’s their mess that not allowed to throw out lol
Even if you can’t “throw it out” is there some way to organize it a little bit better?
I break up my cleaning. I take a month to really clean my apartment from the end of July to September. Then the same during December. I just cleaned a lot today.
I get in these spurts where I clean everything or I clean nothing. LOL I have been trying to make it a daily habit to clean at least one problem area.
This is where I am right now. My house is a bit out of control too! I have done some work but there seem to be so many places that it’s easy to get overwhelmed. This post has good tips — thanks!
There is just stuff EVERYWHERE!!!
Thank you for these tips! I definitely can use them.. cleaning up the house is the worst.
It is my least favorite thing to do, but I love the results after… as long as no one touches anything. LOL
I kinda gave up on our house already because with so many people here, it’s always gonna be messy. Hahaha but yeah, maybe i should try out these tips and see if they’ll work for me hahaha thanks
Even if you can’t do it for your WHOLE house… do it for your room or your space in the the house. You can at least have control over that.