Attention all Rex Manning Fans… Normally I only wanted to post on Tuesdays and Thursdays Fridays. But I had to make the exception for Rex Manning Day! I will never skip this day! Say no more, Mon Amore! HAPPY REX MANNING DAY!!
I do not regret the things I have done, but those I did not do. Especially if it involves not watching Empire Records. If you are not familiar with Rex Manning Day, where have you been? Just kidding…but seriously! This day is popularized by the 1995 movie Empire Records starring an All-Star cast…
Maybe not at the time, but they are all fantastic now. In this movie, you will find Liv Tyler, Renee Zellweger, Ethan Embry, Robin Tunney, Johnny Whitworth, and Rory Cochrane. As well as many more actors worth mentioning.
Thank you to ETonline for providing me with the best quotes from this movie!

This movie follows the ups and downs of a 24 hour period. Showing the lives of six emo and punk rock teenagers. They work at an indie record store that is going to be closing soon. Might be turned into a chain music store called “Music Town”.

Damn the man!
They are being molded into semi-responsible adults by the guidance of the surprisingly accurate record store owner Joe. He plays the papa figure throughout the movie trying to guide these kids the best he can. However, they don’t know that it might be closing soon. Only the infamous Joe knows, played by Anthony LaPaglia Because Joe knows and sees all…

On the day they find out it might be closing. It just so happens to be the day they are hosting a washed-up, has-been artist. Who thinks he is still hot-shit named Rex Manning, played by Maxwell Caulfield. It documents as I said the highs and lows of being a teenager. Not fitting in, thinking your too fat, too ugly, when crushes don’t like you back.. just everything. All the while pairing this story with awesome, awesome music!
However, in the end, it’s about the characters banding together to help save the record store. They do that by throwing an awesome concert to bring people to the store to help raise money for Joe. So joe can buy out the “Music Town” Exec. Because really why would the big chain want a tiny, tiny music store.

This movie has so many amazing characters. I think the best one in the movie by far is Robin Tunney’s character, Debra. I really resonated with her growing up. Felt like an outcast with failed attempts at suicide and just not feeling like she belonged. She is so down in the dumps that her friends stage a fake funeral. They wanted to show her how much they would miss her if she died.

Why April 8th is Rex Manning Day
The reason why April 8th is Rex Manning Day is to celebrate the new album of the womanizing, douche bag Rex Manning. They use him in a condescending way as a pun for jokes. Each one of these unique characters brings something extra to this film. To me, this is what makes it such a classic movie.

So with it being April 8th, 2019 marking today the 24th anniversary of Rex Manning Day! I will always celebrate this day with such joy by watching “Empire Records”. I can’t talk enough about this movie. If you haven’t seen I highly, highly recommend it, if you don’t want to… In the words of Rex Manning, himself, why don’t you all just fade away…

Until next time, Happy Rex Manning Day!

I am really not familiar with Rex Manning. But I know how it is to not be accepted by your peers because of your looks, the way you dress, etc. This is the kind of movies worth watching for.
Rex Manning is the ego-centric pop star that acts like he is entitled and everyone should worship the ground he walks on.
Where can I buy the movie? I’m going to watch it because I don’t want to fade away.haha.
I found it on Amazon regular DVD version here and Bluray here. Just to let you know neither of these links is affiliate links.
I haven’t watch this movie but definitely watch it
I recommend this movie to everyone.
sounds like a lovely day to celebrate! happy birthday to him!
I like Maxwell Caulfield, but this day is more sarcastic than to actually celebrate him. lol
You learn something new every day! Rex Manning has had his own day for 24 years? Wowzers. Happy Day of Celebration! Hope you’ve had a blast with this retro stuff 🙂
Rex Manning day is April 8th because it is an homage to Kurt Cobain because he was the mascot of the 90’s music scene. Kurt was found dead on April 8th. 1994 so Rex Manning day was started on April 8th, 1995.
I had no idea Rex Manning had his own day. I wonder what I need to do to have my own day?
Haha right?
I haven’t seen Empire Records before. However, I might sit down and watch it after your review. I hope you had a happy Rex Manning Fay!
I will recommend this movie time and time again to every person I meet.
I never heard of him, it’s the first time. Is he a hero? or an actor? Yet, Happy Rex Manning Day!
Rex Manning is a character from the movie Empire Records. He is played by the actor Maxwell Caulfield.
I enjoyed reading this post! You listed all the Rex Manning infos which I enjoyed going through. Happy Rex Manning to all the fans!
Thank you!
I love your review. Personally, I haven’t watched it but I will try this weekend. Thanks for sharing this.
I hope you love it. I know I do!
Rex Manning is a wonderful actor. Although have not seen anything by him but I will now. love your post!
Rex Manning is a character played by Maxwell Caulfield. Maxwell played Michael (the cool rider) in Grease 2.
At first, i had absolutely no idea Rex Mannings was but after seeing that youtube video and reading all your references, I do remember this movie but I hadn’t watched it since I was a child, might give it a rewatch
You must rewatch it!
After reading this blog, i suddenly have the urge to watch the film. Sounds like a freaking good time!
I think you would love it Christian.
I have never heard of this movie before, I have to check it out. Thanks for the in-depth synopsis.
I love this movie. If you watch let me know what you think!