Well, peeps, it has been some time since I wrote a blog. This year has gone by fast and it’s another year I can’t wait to be over with. 2019 is coming to an end and I learned so many things about myself. Let’s make some goals to have in the new year.

My perspective on life has changed drastically and I am changing for the better. I thought I would share my goals for the new year in 2020. Although, some are towards my personal development and some are just things I really should be doing as an adult.
I am not trying to all of these at once. My goal is to work on 3 a month and by2021, have 36 new habits incorporated into my life. I am not going to stress if I don’t finish this list. This is just a guide on how I want my 2020 to go. If I don’t get to it this year, maybe I will in 2021.

I needed to come up with some easy goals to have in the new year. I didn’t want to add anything I didn’t think I could really do. Here are my goals for the new year.
Be more productive with my life.
I noticed towards the end of 2019 I had become a little bit lazier than normal. I had things I need to do and sometimes I wouldn’t do them. It was all because of my sciatica acting up and it gave me this fear that if I moved that wrong way I would be in that horrible pain again. I just need to get over it.

Have more quality family time.
We have spent time together, but not quality time. I want more game nights and movie nights. We need more adventures this coming year. I think we went to the Rainbow River once or twice this year. That blows my mind and is crazy considering in 2018 that’s where you could find us most weekends.
Turn off the phones, computers and all electronics once a week.
This goes with the quality family time. No phones, no computers just us hanging out. We should not be glued to our phones. Why do they hold such power over us?

Don’t stress out so much in the new year.
I know right now I am living on about 4-5 hours asleep a day for these past 3 weeks. Stress has been adding up since December 23rd when our landlord told us she was selling our house and doesn’t know if a new owner will let us stay. I have slowly started packing these past weeks just to get ahead of the game.
Our goal is to move soon so we don’t have to worry about this anymore. It is though stressing me out and I am up all night till about 6-7a and sleep till about 10:30-11:30. It depends on my brain and my bladder.
Be more responsible with my money.
We have talked about this before and how we are starting to become all-cash spenders. Our motivation for getting our money in order is still burning brighter than ever. We have to get over this hump of moving and how much that costs and we will be back on our journey.
Goals to have in the new year always include eating healthier.
I saw this every year, but if I want to have a baby this year I definitely need to worry a little bit more about what I am putting into my body. I don’t want to go full health nut, but anything is better than what we are doing. More fruits, more vegetables, and definitely less processed foods.
Move my body more.
We started 2019 out with a bang. We were hiking or taking walks almost every weekend and then it just stopped. I felt amazing when we would walk. I lost about 10lbs from doing so. Definitely making this a priority starting this month.

The biggest goal to have in the new year is to move to a house.
If everything works out in the next few days by mid-January we will be in a new house.
Have more quality time with my Fiance’.
We did more date nights this year, but the only thing was we didn’t know what to do. Going out to eat or go to a bar is not our jam. We can eat at home and normally don’t talk while we’re eating and the bar is not our scene anymore. We walked around festivals that happened in our city, but nothing that really stood out as an amazing date. I will be brainstorming some ideas and it will be a future post.

Get married.
I am just ready to go to the courthouse to file and have the county clerk marry us. A fancy wedding is not in the cards for us. Really because I don’t want the hassle of planning it. I have a small idea for immediate family, if not courthouse it is. It’s been a few years since he asked we might as well just go get it done.
Save money.
This is all apart of our financial journey. I am tired of not having money to do something if an emergency happens. It’s time to have sinking funds for events we want to plan for in the future.
Go to unknown places.
We have done this a lot in the past, but this year we did not go to as many places. I have a whole Pinterest board of places to go to.
Make a scrapbook of our adventures.
I have the scrapbook from UP and it’s so beautiful. I am afraid I am going to ruin it. LOL, maybe this is a family project we can do together. Gather pictures of our previous adventures.

Have more passion for the things in my life.
Sometimes I feel overwhelmed by life and I lose the passion for the things I love to do. I get so overwhelmed my reaction is just not to do anything. I need to see the positive in all to keep that passion and spark. If I lose it what am I doing with my life?
Take more pictures of my family.
We take pictures, but a lot of them are of Mikayla and Mike. I am the one who is behind the camera capturing the moments, but I want to be involved in the photos. I want pictures of us doing things, not just of them doing things.

Take fewer pictures of my cats.
This will be the hardest thing I could ever ask myself to do. My cats are my fur-babies and they are so effin cute. Each cat has their own personality and I love capturing photos of them showing off their uniqueness. I can’t guarantee this will 100% happen, but I will try…
Take pictures of things that I find beauty in.
I love pictures for memories and I would love to have photos of things I think are cool and interesting and most of all are beautiful to me. I want to look at photos that inspire me.

Find a job I love.
I would love to make blogging my full-time job, but right now I am not making enough money to live off of. I don’t want to just find any job for the money, I want a job that means something and is making a difference. If you know of anything let me know!
Start a hobby.
I need a hobby. Not working on the blog, but an actual hobby. Like up-cycling used furniture or painting. I used to paint a lot when I was younger. It was a creative outlet that I enjoyed very much. I would like to find a hobby that has to do with DIY. I love me a good DIY moment. Maybe even perfect my bread recipe and start selling it at farmers’ markets.

Do more things I pin on Pinterest.
I think we all pin a lot of crap on Pinterest but never actually do it. I think I want to try on a weekly or monthly basis to try something I pinned.
I am not perfect and can’t control everything.
Not everything can be controlled by me. Something I just have to leave it up to fate and if it happens it happens. If it doesn’t oh well move on to the next thing.

Schedule weekly lunches with a friend.
I don’t see them enough and I don’t want to hang out at bars anymore. It doesn’t have to be lunch, it could be for a coffee. Obviously, I just need to see other people than Mike and Mikayla.
Make things happen for this blog.
Although I am having some trouble staying motivated. I love this blog so much, but sometimes it’s hard to sit down to type what I want to talk about. Having a platform I can share things with you guys and reading your comments. Apart from working on this blog, but I definitely need to get better at posting. I want to make amazing things happen for this blog!

Celebrate life.
I want to enjoy things we do as a family and not feel like I have to post everything we do. I want to wake up each morning and love the life I am living, not wishing for the life I want to live.
Compliment a stranger.
Nothing makes me have a little pep in my step than someone who has complimented me on something. I would love to be the reason why someone has a great day. Don’t you think we could all use a little confidence boost once in a while?

Read more books.
I buy books and never read them. It is a disgrace to book lovers everywhere. I don’t mean to. I want to read at least 1 book a month possibly 2. Join the redonkulous book challenge.
Meal plan more.
I am so tired of having the long conversation of “what do you want for dinner?”. It gets us nowhere and we always end up eating late or not at all.

Start a memory jar to read on December 31, 2021.
I started writing down 1 memory a day on my phone, but I am going to write them on a piece of paper and put them in a jar for us to read on New Year’s Eve to see what amazing things we did during the year. I think it is a cute idea for the whole family to do.
Declutter my whole house.
I don’t need to start doing this, because I have been doing it all year. I just want to continue with it. Since I have been doing it all year, I have not had to pack as many boxes since we are moving. It’s been really nice being motivated to clean and get things organized.

Stop gossiping.
This is a really good goal to have in the new year. I don’t really gossip as is, but I don’t want to get too comfortable and forget. So I am adding this to the list to remind myself it serves no purpose.
Drink more water.
My goal for this year is to buy a Brita for the fridge. I don’t want to keep buying bottled water. They take up too much room in the fridge and are creating more waste than we need to. I am sure I am dehydrated.
It’s hard to stop drinking soda, but Mikayla and I have been buying the flavored sparkling water. Instead of reaching for a soda, we can have tasty flavored water. I am sure it’s not the best, but it’s working on kicking our soda habit.

Be kinder to myself in the new year.
I am very harsh on myself. I criticize my weight, my teeth, my skin and I am constantly kinda talking bad about myself. Living my life if I make a joke about my imperfections first it can’t hurt me if someone else says something. I am now 34 years old and don’t think very highly of myself and constantly wonder what Mike sees in me… It’s not good and I want to change that.
Journaling more is one of my goals to have in the new year.
I can’t function if I have too many thoughts in my head. I am a list maker. It doesn’t have to be a full-fledged journaling session, but more of a brain dump of all the thoughts going on in my head, be it good or bad. I want to see how my thoughts change as the days go on and if I change from year to year.

Try new foods.
We need to be more adventurous with our goals in the new year. Including our food, we haven’t done much of that last year either. We always tried to make something new once a month. I definitely need to bring that back. Do you have any suggestions?
Get more plants for my house.
We have pepper plants outside, but I want some nice greenery in my house. We have none right now and that’s weird.

Make a vision board for your goals to have in the new year.
I want to see our goals every day that we want to happen in 2020. Mike and I want to own our own businesses and work for ourselves. Spend more time doing things we love and not have to worry about money. We want to be financially stable.
Not your average goals for the new year.
There you have it our goals to have in the new year. I tried making a list that didn’t involve materialist things or the same old boring goals of every new year. Alternatively, from the common new years eve resolutions of losing weight, work less, stop smoking (even though I should.)
Without a doubt I wanted this list to basically appreciate life and the things around us. It’s the little things that should make our days better not working our butts off to pay for a place to live and food.
Life will get better.
With each passing year, I want my life to have meaning and purpose. I want our lives to get better and better. Honestly, it has. We went from working for minimum wage at a crappy hotel barely making ends meet.
After being together for 7.5 years Mike makes 2.5 times what he did working at the hotel. I was making 1.5 times what I made. It should be noted that we went from having our electric shut off every couple of months because we didn’t have the money to not having any bills shut off in 4 years.
I call it a success.
Obviously, It can only get better from here. Since we are making better choices and we are learning from our mistakes. That’s all we can hope for with each passing year.
Who is ready for 2020?
Is anyone ready to make 2020 your bitch? I know I am ready. I am tired of things being up in the air. If January and February are my hardest months of the year I am okay with that. Let’s get it out of the way and have an amazing rest of the year. I will make my life better. Time to stop complaining about my life kind of sucking and change it.
If anyone needs support to keep up on their goals, message me and we will be each other’s rock. We can’t do it alone and it’s good to have a support team rooting for you! What are your goals for the year? Let me know in the comments.
Until next time, Have a great day!

Lots of great resolutions here. I’m in the same boat with most of them – they are all things I can relate to. Best of luck in 2020!
Thank you Megan! Best of luck to you as well!
Love this!! Congrats on the upcoming wedding! I to am getting married this year and am so excited yet anxious about all the planning!! Great article!
Bethany, Congrats on the wedding as well!
These all sound like wonderful ideas for improving your year! I could do a few of these as well.
Yeah, just pick a couple to start with no need to overload on new habits you won’t stick with them.
I am definitely trying to drink more water and be healthier – I say as I am having diet coke LOL
Ashl, I hear you. I have a rockstar lol, but I limit those to days I know I need a little boost. Made 1 or 2 a week, but that’s my max. I will be cutting those out eventually.
You have a really nice collection of goals to keep you out of a routine during this year. I wish you all the best and I hope you will manage to fulfill all of them.
These are great goals to have for this year — or any year! I wish you great success in meeting them!
Good luck with your 2020 goals! You got the zeal and drive to dit, you are your own boss! I need to more productive too!
Omg I love this list! I am also committed to stressing less and drinking more water!
I am right there with ya. I started this year off a little stressed but everything is working itself out. So I am relaxing a little bit. I will be better once we move into our new house.
All of these goals sound attainable. Good luck with accomplishing them!
I’ve been decluttering for a year now also. I’ve made a lot of process but still not there yet. A place for everything and everything in its place is my motto!
These are all amazing goals to have for the year. I am going to adopt a few of these myself.
Good for you Lily! You don’t have to do a lot, just strive to be better than you were last year.
This is a very helpful post regarding spending money wisely and I’d think about it more consciously this year.
Out of everything on this list, being better with money is the number 1 priority.
Lots and lots of great stuff in this post. Need to implement these in real life. Thanks for sharing
We have 12 months to make better choices. Each year that passes I have different goals and a different mindset I want to be in. 12 months to grow as a person.
I think the big one is just making time to get off the screen and give your brain a good old rest!
Oh, I agree with you, Christopher. At least once a week I turn my phone off and focus on something that isn’t on a screen. We get way too caught up with the things on our phone than the people or activity in front of us.
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