**Warning this post contains strong language and I will 100% not be offended if you do not want to read it**
Guys, Blogging is hard, frustrating, and sometimes downright impossible. However, it can be relaxing, a form of therapy, and amazing all at the same time.
As I lie back in my computer chair making some loud noise I feel like a dying hyena would make. Very calmly, I try to explain to my fiance Mike that the ideas I have coming up for the blog just annoy me.
Thinking the topics were good when I scheduled them, but now looking at my calendar, It all looks like shit to me. I know as a lifestyle blog I can write about a variety of topics, however, I don’t want to just write crap.
I want to write things that inspire people. His response was “write a blog about writer’s block and how to overcome it”. To which I replied, “I AM NOT OVER IT”. I know he means well but… sheesh… lol
Guys, I read blogs all the time explaining how hard it is to blog, but so worth it. I do agree with that, but right now I want you guys to know its the hardest thing I have done in my life and I have had my gallbladder taken out…
Blogging is hard in the beginning
Since I am a new blog and don’t have a lot of traffic, its just me, myself and I doing all the work. Working semi-full time job for an answering service and I work weird hours. With that crazy schedule, I then try to schedule the rest of my day around the blog and cleaning the house. Not gonna lie… sometimes the house doesn’t get cleaned.
I am not one of those Pinterest moms who have it all together. Sometimes I prioritize the blog over my household chores and sometimes sacrifice time with my family for it. I know they support me and want to see me succeed, but sometimes I have a voice creep in with self-doubt.
Screw that, Blogging is hard all the time
I love sharing with people the things I do, but as I sit here and think can I make it entertaining, fun, fresh, and new for people. Sometimes I don’t think I can. Sometimes I think I am not cut out for this since again it is just me doing everything and I get overwhelmed.
All the posts on the Facebook group, Instagram, Twitter, the videos on Youtube… I am editing all the photos, the quotes used, the videos, and I blog on top of it…most of all I built this site. I am the one who stays up all hours of the night working on things that I think would make this site better, that I want my audience to enjoy.

Finding the passion
This blog is all I talk about. Have you ever wanted anything to be so perfect? That is how I feel about this blog. Sometimes I get that self-doubt, but then I remind myself that this is what I am passionate about and I get out of my little funk. Writing and sharing experiences with you guys is what I love to do.
Even if I don’t get a lot of views or followers. I know somehow, somewhere someone will stumble upon my blog and find a post of the topics I think are shit. Topics I think no one will ever care about or want to read and they will be affected. Like if someone finds my post about when I left an abusive relationship after 5 years and it encourages them to leave their situation. That is why I do what I do on this site.
Keeping passion when things are hard
Knowing that I could help one person with a post I worked so hard and still felt like it wasn’t good enough. That is all I could ask for is to help someone. That right there encourages me to continue to write about the things I am calling shit. That someone will find it helpful or entertaining, that is when I will find my best audience. However, here is the real reason you have continued reading this post…
5 things no one tells you about blogging
1. It is confusing as f&*% to build a site and find hosting.
I thought signing up with GoDaddy was a good decision for the promo they had going on for a $1 per month for the first year. Then all of sudden I read in a blog support group about how a lot of people thought it was crap. However, you know I have never had a problem with them. It’s hard trying to figure out which is the best host to start your blog on, then designing it and figuring out all the pages, as well as legal stuff. Once you get that setup…
2. Joining blog support groups can be a great help and drive you insane at the same time
Once I figured out what I am semi doing. I joined a blog support group and some of their advice is great and very helpful. Other times they just make you doubt everything you decided because they had a bad experience with something you like. Like the GoDaddy thing. For a hot minute, I second guess myself if I made the right decision and if I just wasted money. It was very confusing and frustrating.
3. It’s hard as f&*% to figure out what you are doing or what you need to do.
Some people just don’t want to share what they used to get something working. It’s like if they share what they are doing it makes their site less than. I don’t get it. I will share anything and everything because it probably took me a long hot minute to figure it out and I saved it for future reference in my bookmarks in chrome. Leave me a comment and I will share everything I know.
4. You will need to come up with a schedule to get everything done.
I am only 2 months into blogging and this still baffles me. A schedule has somewhat been made, but it definitely needs some fine, fine… I mean fine-tooth combing. It’s one of those things I just take it as it comes and I apologize to my audience if need be. Life happens and things get messed up.
5. Blog Binders in my opinion are useless.
I thought in order to be legit, I would need a blog binder to make myself super organized. By all means, if you are into that, nothing is wrong with doing it that way. There are some things you should be organized about. However, For myself, I have not touched my blog binder since I made it and if I have its only to get my blog post ideas out of it. I need to keep them in a safe place. I don’t need my cats using it as a kitty bed or a scratching post.

Ending on a positive note
Well, guys, I hope you enjoyed this little rant/ 5 things no one tells you about blogging. However, I want to leave you guys on a positive note. Even though I just complained about hard blogging is and poor me, poor me I do it all myself.
Just know I wouldn’t have it any other way. When I can’t figure something out and I spend hours figuring it out to the point I am so beyond frustration, but then all of a sudden I get it working. Man, that satisfaction I get from know I did it on my own. It’s the best feeling in the world.
This feeling won’t last
As a reminder, I don’t feel like this all the time. It’s more when I have writer’s block or when I compare myself to someone else. I get really frustrated just trying to figure out how they get it all done. That’s just me though, I am always very hard on myself.
However, I know that no amount of money, followers, or fame could replace the feeling of accomplishment. That feeling I get when I look at my amazing site and can see the future. I see that I am on my way to something fantastic and magical with each blog post I write. Each post will showcase how I got to where I am going. It will show my ups/downs and high/lows.

Don’t listen to what anyone else
Don’t listen to what anyone else says about blogging, it’s your journey. It’s your passion. You do you and you will attract the right people at the right time and things will just fall into place. Don’t try and follow someone else path and expect the same results.
Blogging will become second nature and you will figure out everything you need to and forget the things you didn’t need. Have your mini-meltdown like I just did, but pick yourself up, keep your head up high and keep your eyes on the prize. Blogging is hard and its okay to feel this way
(I guess I should give Mike an apology for saying “write a blog about writer’s block and how to overcome it”. I didn’t write about writer’s block, but this just flowed out of me in the midst of one of my many mini Britney mid-head shave meltdowns. So it’s official in writing Mike thanks for encouraging me to kinda write this… Damn you!)
Until Next Time, Have a Great Day.

Hiya, I’m really glad I have found this information. Today bloggers publish just about gossips and net and this is really annoying. A good website with interesting content, this is what I need. Thank you for keeping this web site, I’ll be visiting it. Do you do newsletters? Can’t find it.
This resonates so much with me, I know exactly what you are talking about. In fact, I think you have been living on my shoulder for the past few months. Your posts are always interesting. Although I am part of one of the blog groups you are in I chose to read your posts for pleasure. You write like you mean it rather than like you are selling something. Continue doing what you do, you do a great job xx
Aww, thank you. That brought tears to my eyes. I appreciate this comment so much!
Ohhhh! I could relate to each and every word in this post. Blogging isn’t easy and quitting is not an option for me as I am passionate about it. So, I am going to keep blogging…
Number 3 about joining blog groups is the one that resonates with me. I like the support and finding out about what’s new. But I can also go down a hole reading different opinions on the same subject. Or worse, when I think I have done something to be proud of and then read how things have changed and we now need to do it this way or that way, ahhhhh! Sometimes I get inspired by it but often it drags me down. I think it’s all about confidence which I am scheduling to arrive sometime in 2025!
Right! I am waiting on the confidence too. They must be on back order.
Blogging is definitely a passion and I think the journey will be harder if someone just wanted to start blogging just to earn money because I agree, it will be hard at first. I love how authentic and straight forward you are about your experience. Just be yourself and you’ll attract the right people who will love your blog. Thanks for this!
If you start blogging for the money you won’t last. You have to have a passion for it.
haha, this was so funny to read, I cracked up several times. I resonate to every word you wrote! I think people don’t understand that blogging is an online business is just as hard and frustrating. If it makes you feel better, I didn’t even know you were a new blogger, you’re doing great and your posts are always relatable and interesting.
Rochelle, as of right now I am not a new blogger. This was posted back in May 2019. I have been blogging now for almost 2 years.
Hahahahaha i totally agree with everything you said! Blogging is hard af and even 2 years in, I’m still figuring everything out. I personally feel like it’s just hard for us bloggers who write about mental health and lifestyle because it’s a heavy topic people don’t usually like talking about. But it’s worth it because, if even one of our blog could be a big impact to a person in need.
Absolutely Christian! I write about mental health and personal growth, sometimes people just don’t want to hear it and that’s okay. My posts will be here for them when they are ready too.
Everything you said here about blogging I completely agree with and this is the reality of it but I’m glad that you’re still pushing through despite all the difficulties you’ve been through and are currently going through. I love how you ended it with a positive note. Yes, it’s true. All these feelings won’t last. Just do what you can and keep working hard towards your goal. God bless on your endeavors.
It has gotten better over the months. When I wrote this I was a newbie. I am almost 2 years in and sometimes still feel this way, but it definitely still has its challenges.