Originally posted: January 31, 2020
It’s no secret that I have been on a self-development journey. I am on the hunt to be the best version of myself there is… in life, business, and finances. Whatever area of my life needs work… Right now it is ALL the areas. I thought I would share who I have been drawn to in helping me along my journey. These people are either in all or one of these categories: Personal Growth, Self Development, Business, or Financial. Here are the 19 Influencers to follow for personal growth.

If you were to look at my YouTube or podcast history you will see a lot of these people. My social media pages are overflowing with inspirational words from them all. I want to see positive and motivational words every day. These 19 people somehow, some way every day inspire me to work on myself.
Rachel Hollis

Self Development, Business
I have recently had the pleasure of reading Girl, Wash Your Face and it changed my life. Became a fan of Rachel’s I found her Facebook group called #madeformore. It is such an uplifting group of people who genuinely want others to succeed. In that group, they have branches of groups for cities in different states. Since I live in Tampa now, I joined the Tampa Bay Risers. They have local meetups to discuss life and business. Generally to just make friends. These are the type of people I need in my life to remind me constantly I am #madeformore
As of 2022, I am not a fan of Rachel Hollis and some of the things she has said. I still do admire Girl Wash Your Face and Girl, Stop Apologizing. I still think they are great books and do recommend you read them. However, Rachel Hollis is not who I thought she was. It is fine if you still like her… to each their own. She is just not my cup of tea anymore and that is A-Okay.
Amy Landino

Self Development, Business
Maya Lee

Self Development
Jay Shetty

Self Development
Jay has some enlightening conversations with celebrities and other influential people on his podcast “On Purpose”. I follow him on all social media platforms and enjoy seeing his words of encouragement. He really shows that we can not judge a book by its cover. He inspires others to be kind and never give up on themselves.
Rowena Tsai

Self Development
Sunny Lenarduzzi


Self Development, Business or Financial
Gary Vaynerchuk is my latest obsession. At first, watching his YouTube videos I thought he was annoying, cocky, and loud. However, once I watched more of his videos I realized he is not any of those things at all. He is passionate. He wants to show people how to make money, how to be the best versions of themselves and most of all don’t give a fuck what other people think. You do you.
19 influencers to follow
Amy Lee

Self Development
Mama Bee

Self Development

Personal Growth
Were halfway through these 19 influencers and Aileen the founder of Lavendaire. It is a YouTube channel focusing on personal growth + lifestyle. Aileen shares her knowledge and her inspiration for creating your dream life. Her YouTube channel description says “Lavendaire is for the passionate, the fearless, and the dreamers who believe. For those who are smart, curious, and conscious, with an open mind, a love for learning, and a deep desire to live a brilliant and vibrant life.” I am all for those types of people!
Matt D’Avella

Personal Growth, Business
The Financial Diet

The Budget Mom

I have talked about The Budget Mom before and becoming an all-cash spender. Kumiko has inspired me along with thousands of others on how we view money. Her method is so easy to follow especially since I was technically already doing it. I was budgeting every week, but I was not doing all-cash.
One Big Happy Life

Self Development, Business, or Financial
Casey Neistat

Self Development
Jordan Page

Self Development, Financial
Jordan Page is my girl! She is the one who started this whole thing for me. I love all her videos and tips. She is the mom I aspire to be between her snack ideas for the kids and her block schedule system. I am surely on my way.
Sam Laura Brown

Personal Growth

Personal Growth
Kalyn Nicholson

Self Development
Kalyn is the queen of gyst days. Gyst is “Getting your shit together”. It’s the day of the week when you just get all the things you have been putting off during the week. It’s also the day you set yourself up for the rest of the week. Be it meal planning, picking out outfits, or planning things you have to do. You take one day to get yourself organized and set up for the week to come.
Michele – Our Redonkulous Life
You know I had to add myself to this list. I am CONSTANTLY inspiring myself to be a better version of myself. If you have a list of influencers who inspire you to be better… You best be putting yourself on that list. I put myself 20 on the list, but in reality, I am #1 in my book. No matter what the other 19 post that is inspirational. It is up to me if I am going to apply what they said to my life.
19 influencers to follow
I hope you guys find these influencers to follow for personal growth inspiration during your self-development journey. I know I have. Please leave a comment below and let me know if there is anyone that I should be checking out and adding to this list of 19 influencers to follow for personal growth inspiration.
Until Next Time, Have a Great Day!

I love seeing all these awesome options! I’m especially interested in the blocking time blogger! I feel like I’m in a situation where the tail is wagging the dog 🐶🤣 and hopefully that could be helpful!
Oh yeah, Candice. Jordan Page is the one who influenced me on becoming a better person and mom. I love ALL of her videos. I have a post about her if you want to check it out. https://ourredonkulouslife.com/10-reasons-why-jordan-page-is-the-queen-of-fun-cheap-or-free/
Rachel Hollis is awesome! I haven’t heard of the other influencers so I’ll have to check them out.0
Yeah, Definitely check some of the others out. I find little tidbits of information from all of them.
I love that Rachel Hollis is at the top of your list. She’s so well known, and even though she has some haters, I still love her.
I haven’t heard of a lot of the people on your list though, so I’m excited to go check them out. Thanks for sharing!
I love her too, Jessica. I am part of her group on Facebook #Madeformore and I joined my local RISERS group. Tampa Bay Risers. I am making 2020 the year I surround myself with positive like-minded people who want to succeed in life.
I love, love, love finding inspiring people to follow! My favorite people are Stephanie Wilson and Jordan Dooley! It’s always nice to watch other people succeed so you can learn from them and better your life!
I have never heard of them. I will definitely be checking them out. Thank you for the recommendation.
I love this! I am always looking for new influencers to follow. I am making 2020 MY year and this is very helpful!! Thank you
You’re welcome, Brandi-Leigh. I, myself am making 2020 my year too. Please check back because I will be writing posts updating everyone on my self-improvement journey.
wow your comments box was not easy to find. i wanted to say wow at all of these people ive never heard of but i want to add tony robbins and les brown also
Yeah, I have been trying to change it. I am so sorry. I never really connect with Tony Robbins, but I have never heard of Les Brown. I will look that one up.
I like Gary Vee. He is forthright and his message never changes. I think he can be polarizing but that’s good. Our needs change over time and so do the people we follow and take advice from.
Exactly. I am all about positivity, spreading the love, and building each other up. I removed toxic people and situations from my life.
I love reading about Self development post and I would love to check all of these influencers. Thanks for sharing.
You’re welcome, Maysz
Love love love Garyvee! Really like his story and rawness! Definitely agree with you on having to follow him!
I love when he goes to garage sales. MUG LIFE!
Very interesting list of influencers. I don’t know any of them so I will check them out. I like that most of them focus on positivity.
I am at a point in my life I want nothing but positivity surrounding me.
Love this list! Thanks so much for putting it together! Did not know many of those great people and content creators.
I am always looking for people who spread positive messages.
I need to follow Budget Mom! These are great!
I love half of the influencers you have listed and the other ones I am definitely going to check out! Thank you so much for taking the time to put this list together!
All of the influencers listed by you are really inspiring people to follow. The best part is that each one of them is unique with their own individual perceptions.
Theae are influencers i should definitely follow already!!! I for sure need all the inspiration and motivation i can get and i love having an online environment with people who help lift me up as well. Hahaha
It’s very important to monitor what we see on social media, it affects us in more ways than we think. What we feed our minds is essentially what we become.